


发布时间:2022-08-30 10:14:10阅读次数:









2013.09-2017.06,中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院 石油工程 工学学士;

2017.09-2019.06,中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院 油气田开发工程 硕博连读;

2019.09-2022.06,中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院 油气田开发工程 工学博士;








[1] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Pei, S.F., Zhang, Z., Su, Y.L., Ren, S.R. Risk  Assessment and Field Case Study on Oil/Natural Gas Explosion during  High-Pressure Air Injection Process. SPE Journal, 2021, p.1-14.

[2] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Wang, Q.B., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Ren, S.R., 2021.  Experimental Study on Piloted Ignition Temperature and Auto Ignition  Temperature of Heavy Oil at High Pressure. Energy, 2021, 229, 120644.

[3] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Pei, S.F., Cui, G.D., Zhang, L., Ren, S.R., Zhang, Z., Wang,  N.R. Effect of elevated pressure on the explosion and flammability  limits of methane-air mixtures. Energy, 2019, 186, 115840.

[4] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Pei, S.F., Zhang, L., Su, Y.L., Zhang, Z., Ren, S.R.  Experimental Assessment on the Explosion Energy of CH4-Air Mixtures at  Flammability Limits under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions.  Fuel, 2021, 299, 120868.

[5] Huang, L.J.,  Pei, S.F., Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Ren, S.R., Zhang, Z., Xiao, Y., 2019.  Assessment of flammability and explosion risks of natural gas-air  mixtures at high pressure and high temperature. Fuel, 2019, 247, 47-56.

[6] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Su, Y.L., Zhang, Z., Ren, S.R. Influence of  Pressure on the Flammability Limits and Explosion Pressure of  Ethane/Propane-Air Mixtures in a Cylinder Vessel. Journal of loss  prevention in the process, 2021, 197, 107957.

[7] Huang, L.J.,  Wang, Y., Yang, Z.P., Wang, Q.B., Pei, S.F., Zhang, L., Ren, S.R.  Flammability and Explosion Characteristics of Methane in Oxygen Reduced  Air and Its Application in Air Injection IOR Process. Energy &  Fuels, 2019, 33, 11850-11860.

[8] 任韶然, 黄丽娟, 张亮, 王煜, 裴树峰, 魏勇, 肖毓,陈矗. 高压高温甲烷-空气混合物爆炸极限试验. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 043(006): 98-103.

[9] Huang Lijuan,  Li Zongfa, Ren Shaoran, Liu Yanmin. Risk Assessment and Enhanced Oil  Recovery Effect of Gravity Assisted Oxygen-reduced Air Flooding[C].  SPE205660, 2021.

[10] Huang, L.J.,  Ren, S.R., Liu, Y.M. Experimental Study on the Feasibility of Explosion  Prevention and Improving Oil Recovery by Gravity Assisted  Oxygen-reduced Air Flooding. 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON  COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 21-25 October  2020, Online-TURKEY.

[11] Huang Lijuan,  Li Maoheng, Zhang Yinlin, et al. Experimental study on the optimization  and stability of methane foam systems under high-temperature,  high-pressure, and high-salinity conditions. Physics of Fluids 2024, 36,  107118.

[12] Huang Lijuan,  Yumeng Wang, Jiaxiang Yuan, et al. Optimization of scale inhibitor and  adsorption enhancer during squeeze process in offshore oilfields.  Physics of Fluids 2024, 36, 073346.

[13] Li Yang, Cai Zhongxu, Huang Lijuan*,  et al. A Comparative Study of the Corrosion Behavior of P110 Casing  Steel in Simulated Concrete Liquid Containing Chloride and Annulus Fluid  from an Oil Well. Coatings 2024, 14, 294.

[14] 黄丽娟, 陈志伟, 李宗法, 等. 高压注空气驱油过程中油气爆炸风险分析及特性实验. 石油学报, 2024, 07, 1141, 11.

[15] Li Zongfa, Huang Lijuan*,  Zhou X, et al. Scaling up in situ combustion process for enhanced oil  recovery in water-flooded light oil reservoirs from laboratory to field  implementation[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 037140.

[16] Han Junwei, Li Guohua, Huang Lijuan*,  et al. Evaluation of factors affecting the production capacity of  Carboniferous Volcanic horizontal wells after fracturing based on gray  correlation, hierarchical analysis and fuzzy evaluation method. Fluid  Dynamics&Meterials Processing 2024, 056130.

[17] Zou Minghua, Yu Jifei, Huang Lijuan*, et al. Laboratory Test of Fluid Physical Property Parameters of Well Fluid Containing CO2. Process 2023, 11, 1954.

[18] Li Zongfa, Luo Xu, Huang Lijuan*,et  al. Experimental investigation into the enhancement of oil recovery and  analysis of influencing factors for hydrocarbon gas flooding in  high-water-cut ultra-deep oil reservoirs. Physics of Fluids 2024, 36,  126631.

[19] Pei, S.F., Huang, L.J.,  Zhang, L., Ren, S.R., 2020. Experimental study on thermal cracking  reactions of ultra-heavy oils during air injection assisted in-situ  upgrading process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 195,  107850.

[20]黄丽娟,任韶然. 油气-空气爆炸极限及临界氧含量预测软件V1.0. 软件著作权,登记号:2020SR0106140.

[21] 黄丽娟,余路,刘一哲,任韶然. 深水钻井浅层地质灾害评估软件. 软件著作权,登记号:2019SR0598387.

[22] 刘书杰,王尔钧,董钊,任冠龙,蒋东雷,张崇,刁玉乾,黄丽娟. 深水气田开发井井筒水合物风险预测软件. 软件著作权,登记号:2020SR1132123.

[23] 黄丽娟,陈志伟,李宗法,李洋,廖锐全,李茂恒. 一种探究二氧化碳相态对原油结蜡影响的实验装置及方法.中国发明专利.


1. 枯竭油气藏原位制氢过程中井筒内燃爆特性及风险研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2025-2027,主持;

2. 氢气-天然气混合物高温高压条件下燃烧和爆炸特性研究,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,2024-2026,主持;

3. 超稠油注空气辅助原位裂解改质增效机制研究,湖北省油气钻采重点实验室基金,2024-2026,主持

4. 天然气水合物注热开采规律实验,中国石油大学(华东),2023.10-2023.11,主持

5. 车排子油田石炭系油藏排采制度优化研究,新疆油田采油一厂,2023-2024,参与

6. 基于连接体系的页岩气藏井间压窜表征与放窜智能优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2025-2027,参与;

7. 油田高压注空气过程中油气-空气混合物爆炸特性研究及风险评估,中国石油大学(华东),2021-2022,主持;

8. 稠油-空气混合物高压高温燃爆特性及防爆技术研究,中国石油大学(华东),2020-2021,主持;

9. 利用CO2循环开采高温废弃气藏地热机制及潜力评价研究,国家自然科学基金,2017-2019,参与;

10. CO2伴生气高效处置及回注一体化技术集成,十三五国家油气重大专项,2018-2019,参与;

11. 渤中25-1油田沙三段高含CO2下井筒流体物性参数室内测试实验方案,中海油北京研究中心,2022-2023,参与;

12. 低渗低粘高含水油田注空气强化热驱工艺研究,中石油吐哈油田分公司,2020-2021,参与;

13. 鲁克沁稠油和空气混合物爆炸规律及防爆技术研究,中石油吐哈油田分公司,2019-2020,参与;

14. 注空气采油过程中油气爆炸风险和防爆技术研究,中石油规划总院,2017-2018,参与;


1. 第十三届全国石油工程设计大赛方案设计类(采油气工程单项组)全国三等奖指导教师;

2. 第十四届全国石油工程设计大赛方案设计类(油气藏工程单项组)全国三等奖指导教师;





2.“Fuel”、“Energy”和“Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering”等杂志期刊审稿人


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